Talks Of The Day – Create Music With Node.Js, Chrome 60 & CSS 4

I love music, and Node.Js, so seeing someone who combined the two really made me happy.

Using Node.js To Create Electronic Dance Music


Chrome 60 brings a lot of new DevTools features. The Auditing feature looks really helpful. Third party badges also looks helpful when using external libraries. The “continue to here” gestures is so simple but yet so powerful, I’m definitely going to use it. The other additions look very interesting and helpful too, so go check it out.

Chrome 60 – What’s New in DevTools


There are new additions and evolution in CSS. About many I’ve already heard and been waiting to see available, like variables and shapes, and some others I haven’t seen yet, like some of the blending options and new color functions. They all look really cool, so you should check them.

Use Tomorrow’s CSS Syntax Today

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